It’s been a challenging year but for those working in agriculture, life has had to continue as usual as farmers focus on taking care of livestock, land and businesses.
The December issue of Pig World highlights how a Phillips Animal Health customer is doing just that. You can read all about Allen Farms’ project to modernise their pig operation with investment in new buildings incorporating the revolutionary EXATOP ventilation system from I-TEK.
Phillips Animal Health’s partnership with I-TEK means they can supply buildings or internal equipment as part of a new build or refurbishment, helping to improve overall productivity.
Allen Farms also made the decision to include Mewaco feeders in the modernisation project. Mewacos are proven on pig farms worldwide. In an AHDB Feeder Review [2014] the Mewaco performed very well in terms of DLWG whilst giving the best performance in terms of feed waste.
Customer Tom Lockwood of Lockwood Farms Ltd, Devon, also praised the Mewaco feeders saying, “I’ve had quite a few now and they are really easy to adjust, which helps to reduce waste. They are easy to clean and it’s handy that you can see what’s going on at a glance because of the transparent hopper.